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Paul Eisenberg


Paul is an investor at Kiko Ventures, focused on discovering exciting startups, helping the Kiko portfolio thrive, and connecting dots in the ecosystem.

Coming full circle.

I grew up in an ecological commune. Reconciling that experience with the “real world” presented some inconsistencies that led to exploratory forays into stock market investing, consulting, and entrepreneurship. It took a lot of reflection, a few steps backwards, and various sabbaticals to find my calling in the fight against climate change.

Difficult is fun.

Climate solutions span so many disciplines that it’s difficult to ever be an expert. Connecting the dots between stakeholders and disciplines is not only fun, but also where I see the most value for founders, investors, and society as a whole.

The root cause.

Granted, the true root cause is probably overpopulation. Next in line to me is climate change. It will affect social issues, living standards, and biodiversity not only now, but for all subsequent generations. I can’t think of a more meaningful challenge to work on.

Changing the perspective.

I like to escape my bubble and take on different perspectives. Over the years, this led to long list of odd jobs, from building grass roofs in Norway, tutoring SAT students in Korea, helping an Indonesian cashew cooperative with their finances, “hunting” water leaks in municipal water grids across Germany, and working in a salt mine 1200m under ground. The weirdest one was probably running regression analysis on buffalo deworming in rural India – including the field work that comes with it.

Respect for operators.

Every day I’m inspired by the founders I work with. By the expertise and personalities, but also the dedication and sacrifices that I know are involved. It’s a privilege to be able to accompany and support so many on their journey to make a difference.